Discover, Reset, Create Program


 Discover, Reset, Create is a spiritual odyssey.
Taking you from darkness to light.

Do you seek deep self love and the highest light? Emotional and physical healing and support?

You will be lovingly held in a sacred space to birth the truth. Discover what you are here to do, your life purpose by having an intimate conversation with Spirit and then healing and nourishing your Soul with Divine channelled codes. Align with your Body Consciousness, your Keepers to rewrite your story and transform your old contract into a new and lighter version of you.

Rumi said
’The wound is the place where the light enters you.’

Opening up is a journey that I have spent the last 35 years honing. The deepness of this work led to me discovering my purpose.

To elevate the human experience from within. Thereby raising the frequency for all inhabitants of this planet.

Your purpose, your joy, your gifts, your ability to rise to your challenges shouldn't be a secret. Living your life and living your truth with grace and ease and love is a gift to us all. It raises the collective vibration of Humanity.

Discover, Reset, Create Program

Discover, Reset, Create is a 7 week program incorporating a decoding of your soul journey this life time, to heal and release your karma and dive into your talents to experience clarity, fulfilment and purpose.

The program includes:

  • An Intuitive Spiritual Map of the Soul Reading

  • 3 Divine Healing Master Key Sessions

  • 1 Lightbody Surgery Session: Getting to know your Keepers.

  • 3 Bonus 15 minute phone calls between sessions.

How it works:

All sessions are live and online with Zoom Video calls.

Your Spiritual Map of the Soul Reading is recorded and you will receive the recording of the session within 48 hours.

Total Investment: £670

Amanda came into my life at a time I can only express as divine timing. Amanda has been a trigger of supporting a journey of healing and spiritual growth.What I believed I couldn’t do, Amanda believed I could.
Through Divine healing and lightbody I have manifested the person I was meant to be.
Amanda is a truly gifted,pure soul and I am honoured that she shared her gift with me.
— Nia Boyce
Amanda was such a comfort to talk to and I immediately felt at ease with her supportive yet professional nature. I felt held during our conversation and she answered all my questions as I was experiencing quite unpleasant ascension symptoms for some time that had become unbearable, to the point that it felt like I was my own worse enemy. After talking with Amanda and understanding what light body integration entailed and understanding through our conversation that this is such an amazing tool and gift to humanity at this time of ascension; all the jigsaw pieces began to fall into place and I knew this was the right person to work with and the work I needed to do.
— Nadia Aquart

Benefits of Discover, Reset, Create Program

Greater and clearer sense of life purpose

Context for understanding why you have experienced the life you have thus far

Access to yourself on a deeper level, a spirit level

Acceleration of growth and healing

More clarity about life and your role in it

Healing and clearing of redundant patterns

Deep activation of your own unique abilities and potential

An invitation to work creatively with your Body Consciousness

Living your truth unapologetically

Would you like to harness your many talents and gifts?