Lightbody Specialised Integrations

 Can only be undertaken once Lightbody Activations Program has been completed
For information on the Program go here.

Ze-Yod Spectrum Alignment

“Ze-YOD’ means “This is God.” The purpose of this work is to allow our consciousness to recognise itself as Divine. We go beyond the boundaries of form and access our multidimensional nature.

  • It reconnects the physical body to the higher dimensions.

  • Activates the circuitry system in the brain for whole thought reception and the ability to translate Light Languages.

  • Activates your Divine Purpose.

  • The chakras are aligned to resonate with the Adam Kadmon (Divine Form) allowing more of your Higher Self to embody.

  • Channelling gets better

  • The electric, magnetic and gravitational forces of the body are carefully aligned and tuned so the body has no need to resist the full embodiment of divinity

Sessions are available online via zoom

2hrs: £85 per hour

Can only be undertaken once Lightbody Activations Program has been completed

For information on the Program go here.